Security Rabbit

802 Copper Shoppe

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Security Rabbit

A few weeks before Easter, I noticed what I thought was a tame rabbit hanging around my shoppe. However, after several attempts to catch it, I realized that he was most likely a cross between a wild and domestic rabbit. I did indeed finally catch it for the nearby neighbors who said they would like it for a pet.  But it was not to be. The rabbit did not like the neighbors and in a couple of days, he was back at my shoppe keeping an eye on what was going on. 

After deliberation, my granddaughter and I decided to call him Pete. Pete comes in and out of the shoppe everyday as he pleases. When he sees my granddaughter, Deliah, in the shoppe he runs right up to her and is a true companion. To others, Pete is our security rabbit.  My brother stopped by the shoppe early one morning to borrow a piece of equipment and Pete ran between his legs and scared my brother half to death. Ever since that day, Pete has held the title of Security Rabbit.
  • Security Rabbit
  • The Security Rabbit
  • Security Rabbit